Man sitting at a desk using cell phone and computer to do investments

Non-FDIC Insured Investment Services

Partnership & Service

Artisans' Bank has a strategic partnership with DT Investment Partners, LLC (DTIP) of Chadds Ford, PA, to offer an institution-quality level of investment management services to our customers. DTIP currently has assets under advisement of just over $1 Billion within the financial advisor community for the retail, high net worth, small foundation and endowment marketplace across the Mid-Atlantic region. The partnership provides the opportunity to bring clients a time-tested investment process for a very competitive price with a local bank feel.
DTI Partners is a privately-owned, SEC registered investment advisor. The investment team is comprised of nine senior level professionals that have an extensive history serving as investment managers for individuals, families, and institutions, and have worked as a team since 2005. The firm's strength lies in the combined experience of these professionals.

Why a Registered Investment Advisor?

Artisans' Bank left the more traditional Bank / Broker Dealer model and formed a partnership with a privately-owned, SEC registered investment advisor to better provide a more client focused investment option.
For advisors, acting in their clients' best interests is a key principle, but pressure to sell particular products or deliver returns to shareholders can take priority in some firms. Independent RIA firms face no such pressures. They have the freedom to put clients and their goals above all else. The RIA model tends to create a special kind of advisor-client relationship:
  • It can offer transparency.
  • Advisors can offer unfiltered advice. They are under no obligation to sell proprietary products and can choose the solutions they think are best for their clients.
  • Investments are chosen for only one reason - to help fulfill clients' goals.

Investment Management Mission

To generate customized, client-focused investment solutions, deliver unparalleled service, and foster enduring client relationships.
DTI's Primary Investment Management focus is an attempt to deliver above-market returns within well-defined risk parameters by combining vehicles that encompass the market's systematic risk with tactical asset allocation decisions. We treat each investor as a unique opportunity to create value within a given set of risk and return parameters.

DTI's Philosophy

DTI's Investment philosophy focuses on asset allocation and portfolio construction, which research has shown to be the largest contributors to long-term portfolio returns.
  • Balance: We employ an active management style that seeks to provide attractive risk-adjusted returns while balancing principal growth with income requirements in various market environments.
  • Consistency: We strive for low volatility and consistent returns by stressing diversification and finding the optimal mix of asset classes for a clients risk profile and return objectives.
  • Outcomes: Our investment process utilizes fundamental, valuation, and technical analysis to tactically shift between asset classes to capture the benefits from both fundamental valuation changes and price momentum.

Accounts and Services Available Include:

  • IRA Plans and Rollovers
  • Individual / Joint
  • 529 Plans
  • Financial Planning
  • SEP
  • UTMA
  • Trust (Revocable and Irrevocable)
  • Online Access

Investment Strategies

Each of these strategies can be customized to meet a client's cash flow and liquidity needs, income/return requirements, risk tolerance, time horizon, gain/loss restrictions, and tax considerations. Each strategy is designed to provide a diversified portfolio solution with a defined risk objective.
  • Fixed Income Only: Seeks to preserve principal value, maintain adequate liquidity to meet client demands, and generate current income. The Fixed Income Only investment objective is designed for an investor with an ultra low risk profile.
  • Ultra Conservative Growth & Income: Seeks high current income with very modest growth of capital. The Ultra Conservative investment objective is designed for an investor with a very low risk profile.
  • Ultra Conservative Plus Growth & Income: Seeks high current income with only modest growth of capital. Ultra Conservative Plus investment objective is designed for an investor with a low risk profile with a limited need for growth.
  • Conservative Growth & Income: Seeks high current income with modest growth of capital. The Conservative investment objective is designed for an investor with a low risk profile.
  • Moderate Growth & Income: Seeks growth of capital as well as current income. The Moderate investment objective is designed for an investor with a balanced, medium risk profile.
  • Aggressive Growth: Seeks maximum growth of capital. The Aggressive investment objective is designed for an investor with a high risk profile.
  • Dividend Focus: Seeks to provide stable consistent and relatively higher income. The Portfolio is built around a long-term strategic, U.S. Large Cap stock sector allocation that typically includes investments in select sectors of the S&P 500. The Dividend Focus investment objective is designed for an investor with a desire for income and a higher tolerance of risk.

Every business has individual needs. Artisans’ Financial Services can help your business plan for those individual needs with access to products and services such as:
  • SEP IRA's
  • Defined Benefit Plan
  • Employer Sponsored 529 College Savings Plans
  • 401(k)s
  • Simple IRA's
Our lives are changing every day, and with each new adventure financial needs change. Artisans' Financial Services has a solution to fit each new adventure. Life events often include:
  • New Job
  • Having a Baby
  • Legacy Planning
  • Getting Married
  • Retiring
  • Caring for Elderly Parents
  • IRA Plans and Rollovers
  • SEP
  • Individual / Joint
  • UGMA
  • 529 Plans
  • Trust, Revocable and Irrevocable
  • Financial Planning
  • Online Access

Please note: Investments in various asset classes entail different investment risks. For example, small cap stocks tend to be more volatile than large or mid-cap stocks. International and emerging markets stocks have exposure to currency fluctuations, foreign taxes, political instability and the possibility of illiquid markets. Fixed income investments involve interest rate and credit risks among others. Real estate investing includes risks such as declines in value of real estate, changing economic conditions, tax laws or property taxes. Commodities investing is highly volatile and subject to changing economic conditions and the vagaries of speculators among other risks. Further, diversification and strategic or tactical allocation do not assure profit or protect against loss in declining markets.
  • Investment Products Are Not FDIC Insured
  • Not Bank Guaranteed
  • May Lose Value
  • Not Guaranteed by any Government Agency
  • Not a Bank Deposit
Artisans’ Bank has a strategic relationship with DT Investment Partners, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor. Artisans’ introduces clients with investment management needs to DT Investment Partners and the various asset allocation investment strategies they offer tailored to a client’s specific risk profile and investment objectives. Diversification and strategic or tactical allocation however do not assure profit or protect against loss in declining markets. Past performance does not guarantee future results.