Banzai School Students near lockers

Banzai! Financial Education

Free Online Interactive Financial Literacy Courses

Artisans' Bank has contracted with Banzai, a third-party firm, to offer FREE online, interactive financial literacy courses designed for adults and students.
Banzai! FREE for you and your family, your friends, and your neighbors – for anyone who wants to learn more about money and managing finances. From learning how to budget, learning about borrowing and credit, learning about how to buy a house or learning how to run a business, there is a topic for anyone who is interested in understanding how to manage their finances.  
Here is a sample of some of the over 70 articles that help you with managing your money.
Click on the article title and start your path to understanding how to manage your finances. 

Man sitting at a home office desk looking at a laptop


Your Cybersecurity Is Our Priority!

Hackers and cyber attackers are finding new ways to creep into your accounts and life, we make it a priority to stay ahead of the curve to keep you and your finances safe.

Explore AB  Cybersecurity