Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
Artisans' Bank is committed to make compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of our website are ADA compliant. We will continue to work towards redesigning and creating website content that is compliant with the WCAG-2 standards. It is our goal to develop a website that is accessible to everyone and we welcome any feedback on how to improve the site's accessibility to all users.
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
This law was enacted in 1998 to regulate the online collection of personal information from children under the age of 13. Artisans' Bank complies with the COPPA regulations. Our website is not directed towards children and the Bank does not collect personal information from children online. Those children who have Artisans' Bank accounts (for example, through our Bank in School program) may utilize the Bank's Internet Banking program. These customers sign up for services in person and with written parental permission. When such programs are transacted, the Bank's Privacy standards apply. For more information on COPPA, please visit the Federal Trade Commission website.